went to ah teng's place for these marvelous makan makan..
not dinner.. it was just an 'after dinner' snacks..haha..
it was sooooo soooo gooood.. a few of us gathered by his invitation
he slightly pan fried the fish, and we had it half raw.
wahlao eh.. mouthwatering neh...
picture: stole from ah teng's blog.. haha..
yum yum yummy yum
Sunday: Narnia~Prince of Caspian went to ah teng's place again.. last night after the Thanksgiving Dinner just a few of us.. those who have not watch the show. maybe all of us were a bit tired and the quality of the show not that great.. a couple of them actually ter-tidur.. haha.. but not ping2, not ah mou and me.. we watched it thru man.. haha..it was nice.. i'm glad i watched it.. it reminds me a few things and also the story i've read. by the way, for those who are not in the know.. the story was written by C.S.LEWIS, a christian author. so the story inside do have some christian, gospel lines. so when u watch it, open your eye big big.. haha.. sure it spices up the whole show.
again..these pictures came into my email this morning..and i found out that it was as mouthwatering as well.. so i wan to share with you.. haha.. notice that these are all keychains? or handphone accessaries to be exact.. haha.. it was so real.. and so yummy..specially tat piece of porky and the sweet corns.. my favourite..yea!!
that's all for today.. eat eat eat.. haha.. tomorrow is my day off..and wednesday i'm taking off for some rest.. hopefully real rest.. and also doing my 'proposed' journey..Lord, give us a good weather..AMEN!!
Do you ever know that what you want might not be what you need? And what you need is not what you want.. Most of the time when we pray.. we will pray.. ‘Lord I want this.. And I want that.. But I really really want this.. And I sooo want that too… please Lord give me what I want…’ Then, where is the need?
If you ask me what I want.. I want one hundred thousands of things.. I want to own bank accounts with a big amount of money I want a husband, a well-off one maybe (I heard some giggles there, hahaha), maybe a boyfriend for a start first lar.. haha I want a happy home I want to own a house, dun need to be big but can host guests I want a new car I want a camera phone I want a laptop I want to go to Europe, visit Germany specially (visit Oli) I want to serve God without tears (impossible) I want to die smiling.. not suffering (can ma God?) and there are just tooo many to name it ..
I guess most of the time we got mixed up with needs and wants. That is exactly what my fren always says.. ‘hey..buy what you need not what you want..’ she always reminds me, before I even pay for the thing, I should ask myself, ‘do I really need it?’.. but... always.. all the time.. we see and feel like we need it.. actually we don’t really need it.. what a contradiction.. 太矛盾了.. haha
The more we seek God, the more we realize that God never intended us to be in such situation. He laid out what is more important..it is just us who failed to follow thru..and WORSE..when we cant get what we want.. we blame Him for not giving us..haiz..
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Matthew 6: 34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
These are all promises of the Creator, the Saviour, the Provider, the One who loves us. so, what now? Claim these promises then. And worry no more. Help us Lord I pray. Amen.
It has been Sunny Days recently. It is also SUPER HOT.. Every day when we go out for lunch, the heat is like unbearable. I felt my skin is burning under the hot sun whenever I drive, but when I look up to the skies.. it was just soo beautiful. I wonder have you realized that whenever the day is so hot, the sky is especially blue and beautiful. When the sky is blue.. the clouds are like shinning.. every single time I see that, I’m in awe and praise the Creator. Many at times I wanted to so much to stop the car in the middle of the road and take out my camera (which I carry almost everyday now.. I haven’t return to the owner.. haha) and catch the beauty of it. And also I wish that I am just a passenger, so that I can concentrate in taking the pictures. Haha.. Hmm.. soon.. soon I’ll be on a road trip around the island, despite the 2.70RM fuel. I’m going to capture the beautiful island.. especially the skies and seas. Who wanna join me? Hehe. Stay tune for the pictures.. and pray for good weather too.. hehe.. tat’s d most important.
Have been attending Aunty Ping Ching’s Bible Knowledge classes for 2 days this week. Little that I know, again I was in such a limited knowledge of God. Not only me.. I found out our fella frens (the youths) don’t even know the basics and have super shallow knowledge about HIS-story. Oh man..how to teach!!..God & the Bible are so unknown to them. Aduh! Doing the assignments that was asked to, catching up the readings, is like back to skul.. just tat it is only a tuition. With the work on hands and the assignments that is expected. I think I gonna cry..and pengsan too.. haha.. I need to catch up man!! And greasing my rusty brain.
I have been in a confused mind again.. haiz.. I dunno.. do this? Do that? Something must be wrong.. but something gotta be right. The devotions I was going thru these few days really like pulling me up and deep. Is ‘THAT’ what I really want? is that request gonna bring glory to God? Argghh.. I dunno oh.. but I want oh..i think I need lor.. I so wish I could have it oh.. !! I so .. so.. desperate!! Haha.. I dunno lar.. aiyo..
‘Alor!! Why wan to treat me like tis? Sekejap sejuk..sekejap panas..sekejap yes.. sekejap no.. how to react upon it? Accept or reject? Don’t you know it hurts? It make it worse when I do not know wat is next in your mind.’ Maybe that’s not it then..
Lord, I need help.. I’m really in deep pooh pooh..help me Lord. Show me Your way.
It was A GRrrrrEEeeeEEaaAAAAAAaaaaTTtttttttttt Day!! A superb day indeed!
It was Sunday.. getting stress up since the early morning. Something went wrong with the projection during the English Service. Is the projection not the projectionist! Haha.. which happen to be me. Made some mistakes thru out the service. Caused of mistakes: stressed up with the AR + Projection and also too long time din do projection liao.
Was kinda worry on the weather side. Gee.. it was gloomy.. I prayed along my way to church.. prayed along my way to lunch after service. God, please please give us good weather!! True enough, this faithful God of mine, granted my lil wish. Throughout the game there was no rain!! Best still.. throughout the ‘outdoor’ dinner, there was no rain!! Superb God I’ve got eh?! Love you Lord!
Overall the Race was great, managed to see some groups in action, as ka seng (camera man), vinod (first aider), Felicia (go hang kai saja) and I (driver) went around to all stations to visit them and take pictures. Some of them really enjoying themselves, laughed together, teasing one another.. some came and complaint to me.. haha.. coz they cant complain to the games masters, the GM jz ignored them.. so they saw me.. they bising to me.. wakaka..so cute.. then I just said, ‘haiz.. rules oh..’.. haha.. they knew but they just wanna be heard. As planned, Teams are expected to finish the race earliest by 5.30pm. but one Team came in as early as 4.50pm.. I was caught with surprise and wasn’t ready.. haha.. gee.. I underestimated them oh.. sorry la guys..but u guys are really good.. at least 10 teams were at the pit stop before 5.30pm, which I think they really did a good job.. SYABAS!!
The first 2 finalists get to have meals in Grand Dorsett, the 3rd and 2 consolation teams will go to Fishermen’ wharf….Gee.. so syok lar.. jeles ler.. haha..
I thank God for all the provisions during the preparation.. the supports we get to make it possible for COHS.. the supports of the Cell Leaders who willingly join the Race.. hehe.. sounds like they kena force..but at the end they enjoyed ma.. the supports from the my partners-in-crime (the Committees).. not forgetting the Kids’ World (Caressa/Lydia/Nellie), the cell members for Josh 1:9 & Kairos.. and also.. the volunteered Overcomers (YOU ARE THE BEST!!) Thank you so much people.. without YOU, there might not be such a great day. And I thank God for each of you…
p/s sorry ah..no pictures taken.. too busy driving and forgot to take pictures.. haha..
went for yam cha after the COHS Family Day. it was like 9.15pm then. Dunno why i was in such energy.. maybe after the Family Day, i was like enlightened and energized.. weird rite? i supposed to be exhausted. but i was like wise. so i went out with these two guys.. haha.. we went yam cha-ing in QQ Cafe. so we drank and chat..drank and chat.. then the tv showed this show NORBIT on HBO.. by Eddie Murphy.. so we watched and laughed.. gee.. we LAUGHED sooooooo LOUD.. as if we were at home.. haha.. wuhuhuh.... wahlaoo.. you all shud watch that show man!! it was a super funny show.. summore rather eukzz.. watch the trailer and you'll know.. haha.. Eddie Murphy has his style.. and i totally salute him for his gift in acting.. haha.. it seem like a relieve after laughing..i think all in all 3 of us were sitting there for the solid two hours.. thank God the guys din say wanna continue watching another show.. coz by then i was feeling a bit exhausted..and sore neck too..haha....
went home took my bath, watch some tv while waiting for the hair to dry.. it was 10min past midnight.. then SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTT DRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEAAAAAM..
LORD, i thank You for a wonderful day today.. i just wanna say..i so love You Lord. muakzzzz.. muakzzzzzzz.. muakzzzzzzzzzzzz..
Decided to post you an update of our Bro Jusslee..
16th June – Post for A Call to Pray for our dear brother 17th June – Jusslee undergone an operation at 8.30am 18th June, AM – SMS: Praise God for Jusslee. He has now transferred from ICU to normal ward. His condition is very positive. Continue to claim Psalm 23 over him. 18th June, PM – SMS: Let all Glory be to God! Jusslee is fine and well. Oxygen mask taken off and everything is positive of his current condition. Please continue to pray for speedy recovery for him. 20th June – SMS: Praise God for Jusslee that he can eat and talk but still having some pain. Pray that God will continue to heal him completely. All Glory be to God!!
COHS: a church that prays and love :)
for your prayers; for the concern for our brother; for constantly remembering him in your prayers; for the support you’ve given unto him, even thou he doesn’t really know.. hey God knows ok? Haha..; for the love you shared; For the encouragement you’ve given unto me by knowing you are praying for him; all I want to say is THANK YOU!!! On behalf of Jusslee and his family & frens. THANK YOU YA'LL!!
so, my frenz, please don't stop praying, continue your good works..
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
For God that is above all.. ALL GLORY, BLESSINGS & HONOUR BELONGS TO YOU LORD. Amen!!!
p/s: even at times situation seems hopeless.. remember we have a God of Hope!! best still.. He never fails ;)
FIRSTLY.. may i present to you my lovely, lovely pet.. that has grown so much. i'm equally thankful to God and loving it.. hehe.. i tot it'll die..but RESURRECTED.. HAHA.. nicely.. see the lil one on the right side, the odd one..tat's an adopted baby from sim ka seng.. haha..kesian the father dun wan her.. haha.. SECONDLY.. as i was outside doing some photographing.. i was amazed and facinated with the creation of our Heavenly Father.. the trees at the backyard..the Ixora that's in the church compound.. these made me smile and made my day.. Thank You Father..
NEXT.. what a difference!! it is at the same day, same spot and the same hour i took these picture.. see the difference of the colour of the sky, red & black boxes? isnt it amazing.. as i was at the same spot taking these pictures. i took pictures of the red box at my right side.. the blue sky was on my left side.. adeh.. i was like 'huh? wow!' at the same time.. haha.. the red box cloud is the only cloud on top of the house. i was kinda waiting for the rain to drop from that piece of cloud... so 'lonely'.. yet interesting.. but for once i tot is an Alient Invasion.. haha..
BOTTOMLINE.. i'm super super happy with my day.. i smiled a lot..and thank God more.. the pictures were really great.. and i've come to realise that.. maybe the sun was so hot that afternoon, i was sweating.. and is a good camera.. that makes a beautiful pictures. is tat so? hmm.. but i equally thankful with what i have. Praise You Lord.
A Call to Pray for our Bro Jusslee Tan from the Emmanuel Outreach Center.
i've shared Jusslee's Condition with you in my last month's blog, A Call to Pray. and today, again pleading you to pray for Jusslee as he will be undergoing an operation tomorrow, 17th June 2008, at 8.30am. this will be a head-operation. please pray that God's presence will be very strong during his operation. and Jusslee will feel God's hand and strength in him. that God will move mightly and heal Jusslee.
let us all pray:
' Father God, we thank you for showing Yourself strong when we are weak. We thank You when we call on Your name, we will be saved, and You will be in our midst. Father even this moment, we pray for Jusslee, as tonight he is preparing himself for the operation, Your presence will be with him and comfort him and encourage him that You are there with him. as tomorrow he is undergoing the head-operation. Father we pray that Your hands will be with the doctors & nurses, Your presence will fill in the operation room, and You will pour out Your healing grace upon Jusslee's life. not only his physical body will be healed, but also his spiritual life. We thank You for his family too.. that You will take care of each of them and You love them dearly. Father, we await Jusslee's return, as he will stand to testify Your goodness upon his life and give You the glory and praise. thank You Lord for hearing our prayers. Thank You Lord for loving each of us. we want to say we love You Lord. Amen!!'
"for everytime i pray, i move the hands of God my prayer does the thing, my hands cannot do; and everytime i pray, mountains are removed the path are made straight, and nations turn to You" ALL GLORY TO YOU LORD.
FIRSTLY Have been super busy with the upcoming Family Day. Have not really felt the supportz given on this matter, instead, the committees themselves raised up so much problems for ME to solve rather than they solving it themselves. Most of them seems to find excuse to ‘tell’ me that ‘this is church matters, therefore, you as church staff ought to give more and do more.’ Others, ‘I’m very busy, I have so much things to do, so, why dun you just do it, I’ll help whenever I can, whatever I can.’ And all these.. sums up to TEAMSPIRIT.. yea!! It suppose to ROCKz!! I think, am sure, I’m under tremendous stresssss.. I sleep with COHS AR, I eat with COHS AR, I bath with COHS AR, I breath with COHS AR, I dream with COHS AR.. oohh… I’m so stressed up. Just tis morning, I woke up with headaches..stress on my shoulders, my mind is numb.. I did not sleep well last night. Yea.. COHS AR again.. the moment I closed my eyes last night.. I did not stop thinking of COHS AR until I woke up.. I cant even differentiate which is thotz..which is dream.. argghh..so hate it…
You must be wonder ‘why’? that difficult to do meh? What have been bothering me? What’s on my mind? My answer is ‘I dunno’ I would love if it will not stress me up so much too.. but I cant help it.. I just cant help but stress up. Maybe another reason is I am just too engross in it and it become part of my life for tis period of time. I guess after tis Sunday it will be much much better.. but then again.. wat is ahead is pretty scary too.. haiz…
Sometimes I just wonder how come some ppl just dun follow instructions.. some ppl are just good at creating problems.. maybe they create the problems just to proof that you’ve made a wrong decision, a wrong choice so that they will laugh at you when they see you fail and sarcastically say to you, ‘See?? I’ve told you so...’ or ‘kan ku da cakap!?!’ .. some just sit around do nothing, and wait to see how the whole plan fall on ground zero.. haiz.. I guess that is why God always remind us that we need to love one another (for He know HUMAN very well) and always wan us to work in the same Spirit.. as the BODY OF CHRIST.. rebellious nature? Spirit of apathy? Selfishness? haha. PEOPLE..
SECONDLY Felt that I’ve been quite addicted to blogging, so wanna cut down a bit. So will try not to blog every single day. As per initial plan.. maybe 2 to 3 times a week. Except something interesting happens.. haha..
Here, I wanna take this opportunity to wish all my frenz here a blessed and happy June birthday.
If I’ve missed u out.. make sure you tell me ya..so tat I can update my calendar.. TQ.. hehe
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up His countenance and give you peace, joy, love as you love and serve Him and grow to love Him more and more. May He also grant the desires of your heart. Amen!
I thank God for each of you this day, for the frenship you've shared, the joy and the pain. the courage you've shown and the smile that you've generously given. there's no better Ivy today without every single one of you.. :) luuvyaa..
佳宫妹 says: I wan to go buy sumthing, and wan to bring you K says: why nid to find ppl comapny u,: u scare lonely? 佳宫妹 says: ya lor.. lonely is scary K says: aharx 佳宫妹 says: so i cannot die single.. K says: if u die u wan who to die with u? 佳宫妹 says: YOU LOR.. K says: then i die with u la but u don die 1st:.. keke
Hahaha.. tat was part of the conversation I have with a very cute ‘fren’ of mine. i simplified some lar.. hehe.. Frankly speaking.. dying alone.. without frenz and family members at your side could be a very scary thing. I dunno.. I wish mine will not be me and myself. Tat will be super pathetic. But if I have a husband or child to leave behind.. tat will be a very sad thing too.. but I think at least I was with them before and will be in their memories.. I’m sure and hope my frenz will remember me lar.. at least for the goods not the bad time.. haha.
DEATH.. have you ever wonder.. What kind of death you want as the ‘full stop’ of your life? How you wan your tombstone to be? Which picture you wan to display? What phrase or words to be engraved on your tombstone? How you want your obituary to be written? Have you start writing your will? What songs you wish they will sing during your funeral? ..hahahaa..
I’ve been thinking about it quite sometime. Just end of last month, we were in the bus on our way to Telupid. this conversation took place: Uncle : wah this so and so in Labuan died of heart attack last night (he was reading newspaper) Aunty: wah so kesian oh..so young, so sudden’ . Me: wah good lar.. died in your sleep.. I want oh.. suddenly just go.. no need to cause family to suffer because of your sickness.. thou is sad but well.. just like tat can go home liao.. so good..’ Aunty: choi.. you wan meh? How can like tat? Just die like tat? Uncle: ya lor, dun even wan to say goodbyes and 交代 (leave final words) ? Me: no need lar.. say your goodbyes whenever you can.. if sick then die very susah one.. sendiri suffer, family suffer, frens see you suffer, they also suffer, financial suffer too.. if die terus, paling paling susah is the finance part, but at least they wont depress because seeing you suffer ma. Dunno lar.. good and bad lar..but no matter what must ready lar. Still one day it will come. Aunty and Uncle just kept quiet and shake their heads.
Well this is just my point of view. Maybe now because I’m single, only I tak sampai hati see my parents and siblings see me die just like that.. but if I’m married, I have more to leave behind, my husband and children.. maybe then I will have different mentality ler. But maybe I’m just selfish, I still rather choose that wish. To die in a sudden. Better still in a sleep.. haha.. Anyhow the last thing I wan my love ones (tat includes my frens and youths) to do is to see me suffer from any sicknesses. If I were to call by God just like that, I know my God really loves me, so much that He granted my wish to take me home in such a manner.
Anyway.. this is my prayer.. this is my wish. Bottom line is.. I have God I shall not fear death.
For you, if you still fear of death, even you think you are still young and you think is a long way to decide and to think about death.. let me tell you one thing.. you will never know when you are going to leave this world. Maybe today.. maybe tomorrow.. you will never know.
If you have fear and worry what is next after your life. Come to Jesus, for Jesus says, ‘I’m the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except thru Me.’ Jesus died, Jesus rose again, He has overcome the Death, so give your life to Jesus and have Him in your life today.
If you are far away from God, come back to Him today, He is waiting for you to run back to His arm.
If you think you are on the right track. Great! Abide in Him and He will abide in you. And you shall not fear death.
i just wanna share with you what i received from frenz in my hotmail list. i am sure most of you received one too.. and i pray that you be encouraged as i do. Don't Ever Give up on Yourself. on God on Anything else. NEVER!!
Don't give up.....
One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God',I asked, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'His answer surprised me...'Look around',He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?''Yes', I replied. 'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I t ook very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.He said.'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit.'He said.'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.' He asked me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots'. 'I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you.' 'Don't compare yourself to others.'He said. 'The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful.' 'Your time will come',God said to me. 'You will rise high''How high should I rise?'I asked. 'How high will the bamboo rise?'He asked in return.'As high as it can?' Iquestioned. 'Yes.'He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can.'
I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.
Never, Never, Never Give up.
For the Prayer is not an option but an opportunity.
Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is, tell the problem how Great the Lord is!
I made QUICHE on Tuesday.. 27 May 2008 after so long.. i finally made it during my DAY OFF.. i did it all by myself.. thou a bit mess up.. but it was fun and also
i managed to bless some people.. hehe.. Let the pictures tell the Thousand Words.
here are the pictures in a glance:
next is preparing the dough.. the PASTRY
then pre-bake the pastry
put in the ingredients, decor, and the custard (eggs)
all set.. readied to bake..
because i do not have a pastry tray, i was using cake tin (need to get one.. who wans to sponsor - free quiche for u) as i baked the quiche.. the custard leaked out from pastry.
see what the custard did to my 'supporting' tray?!?! took me long time to soak it.. adeh...
but the end result.... looks good leh... is delicious as well.. normly i did Tuna Quiche.. and tis was my first time i did a Pork Quiche.. i know for sure Mr Liau will love it. keke..yum yum.. wait lar Mr Liau.. you balik first.. i'll find time bake one for u
SUNSETSafter Work.. taken on my way home.. tat's mean.. i'm not a cautious driver eh.. i took these pictures whenever i stop at traffic light. hehe.. now..i've stopped doing that.. coz i'm setting BAD Example.. sorry people.. i failed you..
Penataran Bible Knowledge in KK. As many would say, if talking about BK, talking about Miss Moey, whoever hear her speaks will hype up... I agree 100%. She is such a lovely lady. Been teaching BK for 25 years or more, her message get across me is not only impartation of knowledge, but rather ‘the passion of imparting Christian values’ to her BK students. I was just amazed of her passion.. If only I have 10% of her passion in teaching the youths.. hehe. Maybe I sound like covet.. but I would rather say that is my hope and desire one day, that if I have a BK class.. I would wan my ‘students’ gain biblical knowledge and most to grow to love Christ even more. That this will become the foundation of their faith in their lives. Not easy, so help me Lord.
So overall the KK stay was pretty ok.. my roommate, a retired Head Mistress of Shung Siew, Sandakan. Also another amazing lady.. learned a lot from her, specially over the meals. And also learned from the experience that it is not really easy to be teachers. I must say I have the foretaste of knowing exactly how when the teachers go on course (kursus). So my dear youths and frenz.. as it is not easy to be Teacher, you must all the more appreciate your teachers. Eventhou sometimes they don’t make sense.. it is ok.. pray for them and appreciate them.
The journey to KK was ok. I literally forgotten how COLD the express ferry can get.. aiyo.. sooooo cold oh… ahaha.. The hotel was just ok ok.. pretty old. And low maintenance. The food was good. Must thank the Church for giving me this opportunity to join. Thank You Lord. And the journey back.. hmm.. pretty sad..coz I traveled all by myself. From KK to Menumbuk by kereta sewa then speed boat to Labuan (daring leh!!). ahha.. thou I dun like the feeling of being alone, specially you dun know the driver, and not sure about the road. It was a good experience. Thank God for safe journey and protection. Came back on Thursday. Start work on Friday. The works piling up. The wedding was on Saturday. Gee.. so many to attempt.. I was a bit pengsan and exhausted. When I was sitting in front of my desk after one week of abandoned. To my horror..my ‘pet’ looked like dying!!! Oh man!! I was crying out loud … all the leaves dropped and is turning brown.. I quickly sent to our church gardener and asked him to give it a better home.. haiz..so sakit hati oh.. So sad oh.. but these two days.. I saw few new leaves grow.. so.. still ok lar.. I think it likes it’s new home..hehe
The wedding was great. With big attendance.. very encouraging as well.. I’m sure my dear friends, my brother Clament and sis Marie are happy, thou they looked tired but well.. is their wedding rite..and I pray that as they grow to love each other..they grow to love Christ more. And build a household of Faith to glorify His name. Had a good game yesterday. Played quite a lot.. and had stretched me so much. Felt so weak after the games. I think aunty fui ling and me..good partners lar.. hehe. Almost win Lorna and Sophia. Played 3 sets with them..won one set. Hmm.. must play more and win them next week.. haha
Oh no.. 2 more weeks the COHS Family Day is coming.. tat means COHS Amazing Race is very very soon..… gee……….. time is soooooooo short.. soooooo much more to do..
pray for us.. pray for us.. I need strength…. I need courage.. I need support.. I need help.. I need YOU!!! Gambateh!! Gambateh!! Gambateh!!
Yupe.. I know I did not update for like one whole week… and I heard your complaints as well.. haha. I’m doing it..
After putting up the visitors’ counter.. I realized that quite a number of people visiting my blog. Which in return is pretty amazing and encouraging.. thou I’m not like Kenny Sia.. few hundreds visit his blog every single day.. but at least.. mine got few tens lar.. provided I update frequently.. haha.. so with this I wanna thank You for reading my blog.. I pray and hope that the totz in me ore the experiences that spelled out for you will in one way or another encouraged you or even will stir you to uphold me in your prayers. It is also serve as a reminder to me that I must be careful with what I say here. Not that I wan to hide it from you, at least I dun mislead or discourage or offend any of my precious readers. I would also like to apologies if in one way or another, I’ve hurt or discouraged or offended or even misled you. ‘I’m so sorry’. You can let me know quietly by emailing it to me.. dun post it out.. paiseh ba..haha..
This blog of mine, you get to know the other side of me.. the human side of me if you think I’m a monster.. haha. Specially to the youths.. haha.. You also get to know what is happening around me and the struggles I faced and also know the love of my life.. ;)
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think (speak or write) about such things.
loving God..
loving people.. specially da Youthzz..
not forgeting Jagung(sweet corn)too..
working for God..
working for the people..specially da Youthzz..
totz of wat I wish for my Blog..
be A place ..
* to give Glory to God;
* to know me MORE
* to learn wat i've gone thru
* for encouragementz & funz
* for precious momentz
* to inspire others
* to express myself, my inner totz
... and you tell me..
"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek HIm in His temple." ~ Psalm 27:4